Days Until Fall Season Begins
Registration for FALL season is now open!
Get registered for Donegal Braves football or cheer here!
Objectives & Expected Level Of Play
If you are a first year player/parent for D-Team, please understand this will largely be an instructional year. They will learn a basic understanding of their football gear, fundamental positions and formations, and safe execution of proper tackling and blocking technique. This year will also teach your child about team building, overcoming adversity, competition, and most importantly, good sportsmanship. There is no playoff or championship at the D Squad level, so winning is absolutely not the main focus for this beginner year. We can't stress enough that the primary objective for the D level is to learn the basic principles of football.
As your player advances through the levels of competition, expectations will grow as well. Moving on to more advanced plays and schemes will help our youth compete with other programs. A certain level of commitment from our players is expected in this program. These players will earn their positions and playing time, and their hard work will pay in many ways, on and off the field.
We expect all squads to conduct themselves with dignity and respect when winning and losing. Building character and team spirit are fundamentals to which this program has prided itself on since its founding back in 1961.